Why Formic acid is stronger than acetic acid ?

A strong acid offers easement in release of proton ( H+).  A weak bond between proton and conjugate base and stable conjugate base offers more Strength to organic acids. Hence, Organic acids strength depend on the  stability of conjugate bases of those acids. Stability of conjugate base depends on following factors:
  • Electronegativity
  • Hybridization
  • Inductive effect
  • Size of conjugate base on which electrons stay
In case of acetic acid CH3 COOH, methyl group is electron donating group, hence offer proton to tightly bond with conjugate base acetate ( CH3COO-) and H+ don't get detach from acetate (CH3COO- ) easily . That's why CH3COOH acetic acid is weak acid. 
On the other hand in formic acid( HCOOH) , Hydrogen is not enough electron donating atom, make it easy for H+ to get ionize.  That's why, Formic acid HCOOH is stronger acid than acetic acid ( CH3COOH).


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